Praha: 50kr Czech Classes

Czech Language Classes for Foreigners for only 50 crowns

Location: 5 class locations in Prague and 6 in Central Bohemia (see below)

A while ago I overheard a co-worker praising a Czech course she was taking for only 50 crowns. I googled around and found nothing, so last month I finally asked her what she was talking about and this is the answer : language classes offered by the CIC (Center for the Integration of Foreigners).

It's real.

The classes I've attended have had from 12 to 24 students. The classes are led by two teachers and conducted entirely in Czech. Every class has a practical theme (e.g. at the grocery store, at the doctor, professions, etc). The teachers provide you with a hand-out that you work through the whole class (in pairs or in groups).

Despite the large number of students (usually a mix of Russians, Germans, Ukrainians, Koreans, etc), it's entirely worth 50 crowns. Although I don't understand 40% of what the teachers are saying, through body language or the help of the person sitting beside you, anyone can follow the flow of the class.

All the classes are for beginners. It's not a cumulative course, i.e. it doesn't matter if you missed the previous class because it won't be related to the next one. You can join at any time.

The truth is, I don't really want to study Czech. But for 50crowns, it's hard to find an excuse not to.


Locations & Times:

Praha 1
MÄ›stská knihovna v Praze
Mariánské námÄ›stí 1
Metro A: StaromÄ›stská
Moday and Wednesday 18:00 – 19:30
7.9. – 14.12.2011

Praha 3
ZŠ JiÅ™ího z PodÄ›brad, nám. JiÅ™ího z PodÄ›brad 7,8
metro A: NámÄ›stí JiÅ™ího z PodÄ›brad
Tuesday and Thursday 19:00 – 20:30
8.9. – 13.12.2011

Praha 5
MÄ›stská knihovna v Praze, pobočka Smíchov, nám. 14. Å™íjna 15/83
Metro B: Anděl
Tuesday and Friday17.15. – 18.45
6.9. – 13.12.2011

Praha 11
MÄ›stská knihovna v Praze, pobočka Opatov, Opatovská 1754
Metro C: Opatov
Thursday and Saturday 9:30 – 11:00
8.9. – 10.12.2011
Possibility of babysitting during the course, if you are interested, please contact us in advance. tel. 222 360 834

Praha 13
ZŠ Trávníčkova, Trávníčkova 1744
Metro B: Luka, Stodůlky
Monday and Wednesday 18:30 – 20:00
7.9. – 14.12.2011

Farní Charita, Tyršova 510
Wednesday 18:00 – 19:30
14.9. – 14.12.2011

Dům kultury, námÄ›stí Sítná 3127, zadní vchod
Monday and Thursday 18:00 – 19:30
12.9. – 15.12.2011

MÄ›stský společenský dům, Zámecká 109,1. patro
Tuesday and Thursday 18:00 – 19:30
6.9. – 15.12.2011

Kralupy nad Vltavou
Farní charita, Sokolská 139
Thursday 18:00 – 19:30
15.9. – 15.12.2011

Mladá Boleslav
MÄ›stský společenský dům, Dukelská 1093
Monday and Friday 18:00 – 19:30
12.9. – 16.12.2011

1. ZŠ Říčany, Masarykovo nám. 71
Monday18:00 – 19:30
12.9. – 12.12.2011


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